Customer Testimonials

The young people who worked on my project were friendly, hard working and a pleasure to have working on my restoration! Thanks Ryan and Jeff.

- Jane Haynes, Menasha

I think your employees did a great job! Thank You!

- Michelle Jensen, Fond du Lac

Very professional, easy to work with, and would recommend Aquire to anyone!

- Jim Cartwright, Oshkosh

I appreciate the professional and excellent manner that things were handled.

- National Exchange Bank

We were very satisfied with the work that was done. We had a huge mess that was cleaned up very fast with your help... THANKS!

- Laura Todd, Oshkosh

Everyone did a great job. I would definitely use Aquire again or refer to a friend.

- Dyana Gold, Verona

Aquire came to our rescue with professionalism and perfection. Our home was restored to its original condition. Thanks!

- Thomas Medema, Appleton

Everyone was incredible. I was amazed with how fast they started the job as well as how fast and thorough they completed it. I am a life long customer! Keep up the great work.

- Kevin Ekvall, Brillion

Aquire and its staff handled the cleaning of our gallery and its contents professionally and in a timely manner, allowing us to be back up and running much sooner than anticipated. Thank you very much!

- Gallery & Frame Shop, Fond du Lac

I really thought everyone was very helpful and nice to work with. I was extremely pleased with the quality of all the work, along with the timeliness when things were done. I would especially like to thank Jeff and Tyler for everything they did for me and also helped me with. The house looks like almost a new place in part of the the lower level. Thanks again.

- C. Goode

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